Hot and Sour Shrimp Soup 

Hot and Sour Shrimp Soup
• Ingredients:
Canh Chua Tom (Thai – Tom Yam Kung)
3 cups (24 fl.oz/750 ml.) water or light chicken stock;
8 oz. (250 g.) shrimpsl prawns. shelled and deveined;
5 kaffir lime leaves (Bai Makrut);
3 thin slices fresh or dried galangal (Kha);
1 Cup fish sauce (Nam Pia);
2 stalks of lemon glass/citronella (Takhrai). lower
1/3 portion only. cut into I in. (2.5 cm.) lengths. coarsely pounded;
2 shallots. coarsely pounded (optional);
5 hOI green Thai chilli peppers Phrik Khi Nu);
1/2 cup sliced straw mushrooms;
1/4 Clip (2 A.oz./60 mI.) limc juice;
1 teaspoon roasted chilli paste (Nam Phrik Pao);
1 tablespoon chopped cilantro! coriander leaves (Bai Phak Chi);
• Instruction:
Use the medium heat to bring the stock 10 boil. Add lime leaves, galangal, fish sauce, lemon grass and shallots. Then the mushrooms and chili peppers (if used). Lei the stock simmer for at least 2 minutes or until fragrant. Add the shrimps and cook until the shrimps turn pink. opaque and firm. This should be done within a minute. Sel aside. Put 1 -2 teaspoons of lime juice and the chilli paste in a serving bowl; Pour the soup into the bowl. stir and garnish with cilantro leaves.